
Imagine living in alignment with your values, connected to the people and land around you, where you can live, work and grow.

Using universal design principles and smart technologies we will demonstrate an affordable, diverse and cooperative neighbourhood model of low-carbon development, with an emphasis on sustainability and community, proposed to be located on sites within the Ecovillage in Cloughjordan. www.thevillage.ie

See our prospectus for the Climate Smart Pocket Neighbourhood here

About us

Cloughjordan Co-Housing is a company limited by guarantee, which incorporates the co-operative principles within its constitution. 

The current board members have between them many years’ experience of working in, advising and managing co-operatives, small businesses, social enterprises, community & voluntary organisations concerned with sustainability, community development, housing, mobility and the development and delivery of sustainable education and training. In addition the Company has advisers with experience of architecture, finance and renewable energy.

Another ‘Housing Ourselves’ [make this a link with the Housing Ourselves 2025 page.  Delete this content between the [ ]] will be held on 14 February 2025 in conjunction with the Wellbeing Economy Alliance.

For more information contact:  info@cloughjordancohousing.coop


Housing Ourselves 2025



Housing Ourselves 2025

Blended Conference for In-Person and Online Participation
Date: Friday, 14 February 2025, 09:30-1700
Location: WeCreate Community Enterprise Centre, Cloughjordan Ecovillage, Co. Tipperary – E53 VP86
Cost: Online: Free of charge. In-person: Sliding Scale Payment
Choose your payment level between €15.00 and €50.00, based on what you can afford.Please note that all payments include lunch.
Register here:

Programme (Speakers and contributors to be announced) 

  • 09.30 – Welcome and refreshments
  • 10.00 – Session 1 – Setting the Context: Housing Crisis and the Wellbeing Economy
  • 11.30 – Break
  • 12.00 – Session 2 – Community Led Housing and Creative Place Making
  • 13.30 – Lunch
  • 14.30 – Tour of the Ecovillage
  • 15.30 – Session 3 – Affordable Construction – Options for Community-Led Housing
  • 17.00 – Close

Hosted by Cloughjordan Co-Housing in collaboration with the Wellbeing Economy Alliance, this event builds on discussions from the Rethinking Growth event in Dublin earlier in 2024. Insights will feed into a paper on housing in Ireland’s Wellbeing Economy during 2025.

Housing is at the heart of our economy and plays an essential role in the wellbeing of individuals, communities, and the environment. Yet Ireland’s current approach to housing —dominated by speculative, profit-driven models—fails to meet the interconnected challenges of affordability, sustainability and social cohesion.

This event will explore transformative housing strategies that prioritise sustainability, inclusivity, and community resilience. It will highlight the importance of housing as a basic need and explore innovative solutions to ensure everyone has access to adequate and secure housing, with a focus on community-led housing and creative place making.

The Wellbeing Economy 

A Wellbeing Economy is an economy designed to serve people and the planet, not the other way around. Rather than treating economic growth as an end in and of itself and pursuing it at all costs, a Wellbeing Economy puts our human and planetary needs at the centre of its activities, ensuring that these needs are all equally met, by default.

“In considering factors such as health, education, and social connections as essential components of a thriving economy, prioritising human wellbeing and environmental sustainability, and focusing on social goals, equity, and overall quality of life, the wellbeing economy can align with our shared vision for a more compassionate, just, sustainable, fair and equitable future.” President Michael D Higgins

The WEAll Hub Ireland is an All Ireland network of organisations which is working in partnership with the global Wellbeing Economy Alliance to help achieve an economy designed to serve people and the planet.


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